Mix In Some Genius
When top London chef and restauranteurs Mark Hix first came into contact with eve spencer, he fell in love with the Jasper design, and set about creating a cocktail whose taste could do justice to the art. In so doing created the sublime "Whisky Jasper". Every bit as good as it sounds, it's a synaesthesia experience of taste, texture, visuals and fragrance. It's been available at his restaurants ever since. A perfect compliment to his world-famous smoked salmon.

When Floor_Story approached us to collaborate on a luxurious new range of rugs, we wanted to snap our fingers and see the results immediately, so excited were we by the potential. Such is the nature of anything truly worth having, we had to wait patiently for the skilled craftsmen to do their work.
We are completely delighted with the results.
THAWK is currently shortlisted for The International Product Design Awards...